OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

24 September 1986

(Senate Minute pages: 2522 -2538)

President Brokaw called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. on Wednesday September 24, 1986 in the Faculty Lounge of the Memorial Union.

Roll: Twenty four members/alternates were present. Absent were: Peter Gaines, Bruce Haataja, David Carlson, Charles Joyner, E.H. Timothy Whitten, and Dale Stein.

Visitors: Lee Lebbin, Library Director; David Reed; Ed Frazer; William Moraz; Bert Whitten; and Linda Belote.

Minutes of Meeting No. 150

President Brokaw amended the minutes of Meeting No. 150, page 2521. The Proposal 8-86 Establishment of a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering was changed from the heading General Education to New Business.

President's Report

President Brokaw presented both a written (Appendix A - Available by Request from the Senate Office) and verbal report. Highlights of the report include:

  1. Proposals 4-86 and 5-86 on dropping a course and the grading system change take effect in the Fall of 1987 NOT the Fall of 1986.
  2. The ad hoc committee report on the status of researchers has been issued (Appendix B - Available by Request from the Senate Office). President Brokaw suggested comments on this report be made at the next meeting of the Senate.
  3. The Sabbatical Leave Committee report is attached (Appendix C - Available by Request from the Senate Office).
  4. The Board of Control's new policy on academic freedom (Appendix D - Available by Request from the Senate Office) is included. Some discussion of the wording of this report occurred. There was some exception to the Board expecting faculty to act "only" in ways that further the mission of the University. The discussion was more a matter of semantics than substance.
  5. The Senate approved President Brokaw's idea to recognize the contributions of Debra Graff for her work on putting the Senate Handbook onto the Sperry Link System.

Vice President's Report:

The Vice President's report included information on Board of Control Meetings (May 23, June 26, and September 19, 1986) and the Academic Council Meeting of September 23, 1986 (Appendix E - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

Special Library Presentation:

A special presentation on how the library is coping with recent budget cuts was made by Lee Lebbin, Library Director. This presentation highlighted efforts being made by the Library to continue effective operations in the short term and concern over long term effects of library cuts. Senate members questioned whether cuts in library funds are prudent with the North Central Association Accreditation process underway. Lee stated that he thought he could make more appropriate decisions on library management if the administration would provide guidance on what the University would be supporting in terms of undergraduate materials, graduate student materials, and individual faculty research. After the presentation, the Senate asked many questions about the budget process. As a result of this discussion a motion was made to invite a representative of the administration to address a special session of the Senate and explain the current budget situation. The motion was approved.

Committee Reports

A. Curricular Policy

New members are required .

B. Instructional Policy - No report.

C. Institutional Evaluation - No report.

D. Budget - No report.

E. Faculty Fringe Benefits - No report.

F. Elections - No report.

G. Faculty Handbook - Printed over the summer.

H. Teaching Effectiveness - No formal report.

I. Planning - No report.

J. General Education - No report.


Old Business - None


New Business

A. Election of Officers

The Senate President noted that a Committee on Elections had drawn up a slate of officers whose names had been printed on ballots. He opened the floor for nominations. Elected officers were: President - Willliam Shapton; Vice President - Phyllis Boutiller; Secretary - Brad Wagner.

A motion to destroy the ballots was made and approved.

B. Proposal 1-87, Commitment to Develop a Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Science Program.

The Senate voted to support this commitment.

C. President Brokaw thanked the Senate for their support. He stated his term of office had been a valuable learning experience. President Brokaw also stated the coming year should prove quite eventful. The President called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved.

The Senate adjourned at 8:45 p.m.